Smart home control or home automation is where we design a simple to use interface, to operate many of your home systems, these may include, curtains blinds or shades, lighting, heating, audio video, or your home theatre, the list of applications is endless. Our approach to home control can often reduce the costs of associated systems for instance one interface in your Lounge could control many or all of your homes systems removing the need for separate light switches, heating thermostats, control for AC, a separate door entry panel, again the possibilities are endless.
Here are a few of the whole home control systems we use, ControlFX, Crestron, Lutron, Universal Remote and X10. All have their place at Fox and Son where we have had many years experience in specifying the right product for each and every bespoke system. From initial concept to the finished installation we are dedicated to helping you achieve the best possible design to suit your needs.
Fox and Son Ltd.
55 Churchill Avenue
Herne Bay CT6 6SG
Tel: 07772 051051
Email: enquiries
New home page online
You can now find out about our products and services online.
Feb 11th 2012
Today I finally finished my new company Logo, after many hours on photoshop and CAD, and more rejects than I can count.
by A.Fox